We are Finger Lakes Christian School

Meet Our Staff

High School and Middle School Staff
Elementary & Support Staff
5th Grade
Mission Statement
Finger Lakes Christian School exists for two reasons: to train children from Christian families in the orthodox, fundamental precepts and lifestyle of the Christian faith and to provide those children with a solid, traditional classroom education. Our goal is to prepare our students spiritually and academically to lead fulfilling, productive lives in God’s kingdom and in society.
Doctrinal Statement
Because FLCS was created to serve Christian families, it’s necessary to define what a Christian is for the purposes of enrollment and employment. The following statement of doctrines by no means covers the full range of Christian beliefs, but is what we consider to be the essential, non-negotiable truths of the faith.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, perfect in its original writings. It is wholly sufficient for instructing us in the doctrines of the Christian faith and is completely true in all its pronouncements. Therefore, anything that purports to be true but contradicts the Bible is, by definition, false. That includes teachings, doctrines and church traditions that are in conflict with the Scriptures.
There is only one God, and He is a Trinity of three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He has existed and will exist forever. There are no other gods besides Him, including on other planets or in other universes. He alone is God.
Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, is fully God, equal in divinity to the Father and the Holy Spirit. He is not a created being, but has existed eternally.
Death entered the world through the sin of the first man, Adam. With the exception of Jesus Christ that sin nature has been inherited thereafter by every person ever born.
God has provided for mankind the only means of salvation: faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to earth and took on the form of a man, having real flesh and blood. He lived a sinless life and died on the cross, a substitutionary death for our sins. He was physically resurrected from the grave and ascended physically into heaven.
Those who accept Jesus as their only means of salvation will, upon their death, go immediately into his presence and spend eternity with him in heaven. Those who reject Him will go to hell when they die, and eventually spend eternity in the lake of burning fire.
4th grade parent
Dan Netti
Graduated 2015
Parent of 2 graduates